
Wars in Ukraine and Middle East “have a clear connection” – US State Secretary Blinken

The United States should simultaneously provide further support to Ukraine and Israel in one package proposed by President Biden. These two situations are closely related, in particular, due to the destructive role of Iran and Russia.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken expressed such a position during hearings in the Senate, Rubryka reports, referring to Ukrinform.

"The conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East have a clear connection," the head of American diplomacy emphasized.

He explained that since international sanctions and restrictions have blocked Russia's traditional channels for meeting its military needs, it increasingly turns to Iran for help. This means two-way traffic, so Moscow is offering Iran advanced military technology that poses a threat to Israel's security.

"If Russia is allowed to win with the support of Iran, it will encourage both Moscow and Tehran," Blinken stressed.

The State Secretary also emphasized that the adversaries of America and Western countries "recognize that our strategies are working, and they continue to do everything possible to hinder us." In this connection, Blinken noted that now, many are once again betting that the United States will lose its united position or be distracted by domestic problems. And this, according to him, is prevented by President Biden's request for additional funding for national security, which provides for simultaneous support for both Ukraine and Israel.

In addition, he said, the request is critical to outpacing America's strategic rivals, such as China, and strengthening deterrence in other regions. It will also help reduce the impact of the Russian war on global food and energy security and strengthen homeland security for Americans at home.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Senate is currently debating the support of US President Joe Biden's request to Congress for $106 billion. Of this sum, 61.3 billion dollars are proposed to be allocated to Ukraine and 14.3 billion to Israel.

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