Kyiv opens two playrooms for Ukraine’s largest children’s cancer hospital

Ukraine's largest Okhmatdyt Children's Cancer Hospital in Kyiv opens two new playrooms for young patients to feel more comfortable and accepted during their stay.

What is the problem?

Russia's new stage of war started more tragedies in the lives of Ukrainians. The Prosecutor's Office states as of September 26, 2023, 504 children were killed, and 1125 children were injured of varying severity during the aggression. These figures are not final, and the number of deaths and injuries in the occupied and frontline territories remains unknown.

The Okhmatdyt National Children's Specialized Hospital provides emergency and highly specialized medical care to children from all regions, helping those affected by the warfare.

Hundreds of young patients attend the Okhmatdyt hospital every day, undergoing diagnostics and treatment. Both them, and their parents live in the hospital, study, and spend their free time. Until recently, there was no place for safe entertainment supervised by doctors and relatives.

What is the solution?

The charitable SOS Children's Villages NGO decided to remedy the situation and helped to create two modern children's playrooms where patients can relax, play with their peers and get a positive push to their attitude.

Photo: Denys Zhurov

All these efforts are to make recovery and rehabilitation faster and less exhausting.

We work with the Okhmatdyt hospital and admire the quality of their medical services for young patients. The goal of our organization is to improve conditions for children receiving care. We want these conditions to be even better after the victory than before the outbreak of hostilities. This is what we are working for! said Serhii Lukashov, National Director of SOS Children's Villages.

How does it work?

On the occasion of the festive opening of the space, the volunteers hosted a nice holiday for children, inviting the hospital clowns and animators with panda costumes.

Photo: Denys Zhurov

It is often when children who come to us with injuries for treatment develop a black and white attitude. The operating room, the ward, procedures and the ward again. We had to dilute it with bright colors. Thanks to SOS Children's Villages, we got two wonderful children's spaces for our hospital patients. There are now much more children's smiles and laughter, said Volodymyr Zhovnir, General Director of the hospital.

Photo: Denys Zhurov

The opening was also attended by four families from the Help for Injured Children initiative, which have managed to provide assistance to 379 injured children.

Photo: Denys Zhurov

At Okhmatdyt, we had surgeries performed by excellent doctors. It was there that I learned about SOS Children's Villages and their program to help children. I thank the doctors and the foundation for their dedication and professionalism. You saved us," Natalia, who received help from SOS Children's Villages, shared with her impressions.

Previously, the NYC Virgin Hotels hosted a charity dinner with the UNITED24 and its ambassador Richard Branson, supported by the Virgin Unite. The funds will be allocated at the school restoration in Maryanivka, the Kyiv region. The school was destroyed during the fighting and occupation in March 2022.

The UNFPA, UN's Population Fund, is holding an exhibition of children's drawings "Ukraine without Domestic Violence" from September 25 to October 6, 2023 at the Gulliver shopping center in Kyiv.

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