Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said this in an interview with Ukrinform.
"A day of war costs us 100 million dollars. And now, take the budgets of all respectable large volunteer foundations and see how much they collect. And the state, which spends 100 million dollars per day in general. Just think about it. Therefore, it is unfair to present claims to the state – to the military and political leadership, to everyone – from local leaders to the parliament, the government, and the President, that volunteers do everything. This is not the case," Reznikov noted.
At the same time, the Minister of Defense specified that supplies from volunteers from February 24, 2022 to date are 3% of everything that "got into the war."
He emphasized that, in fact, the army is provided by the citizens of Ukraine because they work and pay taxes, which are sent to the state budget and from there – including to the army.
"Today, the army is the largest consumer of funds. But funds are also needed to maintain the country as a whole: for infrastructure, reconstruction, and the support of the socially vulnerable population. That is why we need to work and pay taxes. Businesses need to be active and support entrepreneurs," added the Minister of Defense.
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