Russian forces fire missile at Kherson region, targeting a family

Russian forces keep shelling the Ukraine-controlled bank of the southern Kherson region with various types of weaponry. Another attack targeted a family in the town of Bilozerka, killing one.

Head of the local military administration Oleksandr Prokudin reports a 35-year-old man, father, was killed on the spot.

His 36-year-old wife and 9-year-old daughter were severely injured and immediately brought to the hospital.

Another 37-year-old local resident received facial injuries. A 77-year-old man was hospitalized in the Korabel district of the city of Kherson with shrapnel wounds of the forearm.

Russia's shelling of the Kherson region

Russian troops started brutally shelling civilian housing and infrastructure after Ukraine's liberation of the right bank of the Kherson region in the fall of 2022. They use heavy weapons, mortars, artillery, and drones to break down morale and force Ukrainian forces to withdraw.

According to the local authorities, the invaders carried out 79 attacks, firing 510 shells from mortars, artillery, tanks, Grad multiple launch rocket systems, drones, aviation, and a twin anti-aircraft gun ZU-23. Russian forces fired 14 shells at Kherson.

Russian troops fired at the residential areas and a religious building in Kherson. Another missile hit a kindergarten in Bilozerka, damaging a roof and dozens of windows. The shelling killed one person, and another six were injured.

On September 2, the Russians shelled Kherson at night, injuring two people. One of the victims is a 69-year-old woman who received a mine-explosive injury; the other is a 49-year-old man who was hospitalized with a shrapnel wound to the chest.

On September 1, at about 7 p.m., the Russian military fired at a village in the Bilozersk community in the Kherson region, killing a farmer worker.

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