What is the problem?
Kharkiv has a single lane dedicated to bicycle traffic. It runs along the highway towards the Russian city of Belgorod and is 7 kilometers long. For example, other "bicycle" paths in Lesopark or Sarzhyn Yar are not a full-fledged bicycle infrastructure, as they are recreational areas.
Local authorities often neglect the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and citizens in general in favor of motorists and commercial projects. For example, in August, a scandal erupted over the construction of Sarzhyn Yar (which would mean a reduction in the recreational area) without public hearings. Earlier, the city dismantled a tram line to widen a street for cars.
What is the solution?
Hosts of the bike track sought to draw the attention of the local population and authorities to the lack of bicycle infrastructure. The Kharkiv Women's Association "Sphere" calls on local authorities to pay attention to the city's neglect of pedestrians and cyclists.
How does it work?
Around 25 people rode bicycles decorated with Ukrainian and rainbow flags, and rainbow rims were installed on the wheels. They prepared special uniforms for the bike track, such as rainbow vests and blue and yellow panoramas.
Passers-by paid attention and asked what the event meant. Some recognized the symbolism of the rainbow flags and asked if the bike track was connected to the LGBTQ+ community. The event was positive and completely safe, says Anna Romanova, co-organizer of KharkivPride.
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