The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported this.
At approximately 9:23 a.m., a powerful explosion rang out in the police chief's office. As a result, the head of the city department, Colonel Pavlo Chesanov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Chuvash Republic), his deputy for operational work, the head of the investigative department, the head of the duty unit, and the heads of a number of units were seriously injured. Immediately after the explosion, they were transported to the local hospital.
After the operative examination of the wounded, three ambulances were urgently called from occupied Melitopol.
The building, in addition to housing the "police" office, was used as a residence for the personnel of the occupiers. As a result of the explosion, the building suffered significant damage; the fire spread to 3-5 floors.
The event area is currently blocked off. The ability to move around the city for civilians is significantly limited. The Internet is completely turned off in the city.
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