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This position was expressed on Tuesday during a telephone press briefing by the National Security Council of the White House coordinator, John Kirby, Ukrinform reports.
"Across the (African – ed.) continent and in the so-called Global South, more and more countries are realizing that a partnership with Russia does not meet their interests and is not in the interests of their peoples – and this is becoming more and more obvious," the representative of the White House noted.
In this context, he recalled that only last week, many leaders of African countries refused to fly to the Africa-Russia summit.
"They realize that they are victims of his (Putin's) reckless decision to withdraw from the "grain deal." They realize that the food insecurity, the hunger, the general instability that they feel on many levels is largely related to the war that he is waging in Ukraine," the White House representative said.
For reference:
During the Africa-Russia summit, the head of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, said that the leaders of African countries insist on restoring the full operation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, from which Russia withdrew unilaterally.
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