Previously, Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anušauskas briefed his Ukrainian counterpart Oleksii Reznikov on the long-term plan to support the Ukrainian army.
What is the problem?
Due to Russia's brutal aggression, Ukraine needs military assistance from its allies.
What is the solution?
We do understand that only long-term military and financial support to Ukraine will bring stability to a free Europe. That is why we have prepared a three-year plan to support Ukraine's army, Anušauskas said.
How does it work?
The Lithuanian ministry specifies the support batch for the Ukrainian army for 2024-2026 provides for a budget of about €200 million.
The main areas of support are procurement of lethal and non-lethal munitions, military training and exercises, financial contributions to support funds, repair of military equipment in Lithuania, and training of personnel.
Anušauskas also confirmed that Lithuania's latest support package includes NASAMS missile launchers that will be delivered to Ukraine in the fall.
It will also include ten M113 armored personnel carriers, grenade launcher ammunition, and 2.5 million rounds of ammunition, with the latter being shipped to Ukraine as early as this week.
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