Ukraine needs a full-fledged air shield to repel Russian terror – Zelensky

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has stressed that Ukraine can defeat Russian terror only if with a full-fledged air shield.

Thanks to Ukraine's allies and the air defense systems provided to the troops, the Air Force had already saved thousands of lives, the President added. 

We have already shown that we can shoot down even those Russian missiles that the terrorists are particularly proud of. 

Zelensky added Ukraine needs more air defense systems for the entire territory "for all our cities and communities."

The world must not become numb to Russian terror – we must defeat this terror. And it can be done!

After its withdrawal from the UN-backed Black Sea grain deal, Russia started terrorizing southern cities of Ukraine to force it to prolong the deal by giving up on its previously approved principles.

On the night of July 23, Russian troops attacked the Odesa region with at least five types of missiles, including cruise Kalibr, Onyx, X-22, missiles, and ballistic Iskander. Air defense forces destroyed a significant number of targets.

So far, one civilian has been reported dead, and 19 people have been injured, including four children.

The attack destroyed six residential buildings, including apartment buildings. Architectural monuments and a church were also damaged.

Russian missile attacks on the night of July 22-23 caused significant damage to Odesa's historic Transfiguration Cathedral, the city administration reported.

The building was partially destroyed, and a number of Orthodox shrines were damaged.

On July 21, UNESCO condemned the Russian military attacks on Odesa's historic center, named a world heritage site earlier this year. UNESCO listed "religious buildings" as among the reasons the city center deserved this designation.

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