Acting the mayor of Zaporizhzhia, Anatoly Kurtev, reported that on Telegram.
"In the city, the liquidation of the consequences of the night events continues. In total, 174 applications for damaged housing have been received at this time. We know about 16 damaged high-rise buildings, two educational institutions, and one medical facility," the post reads.
Representatives of Zaporizhzhia Repair Service and the management company "City for People" continue to cover house windows using repair materials from the city reserve.
All broken windows have already been covered in the educational institution, which is under the control of the city.
Social workers, district administration specialists, and philanthropists continue to work at the site.
It is noted that the organization Caritas Zaporizhzhia will start issuing payments of 6,600 hryvnias to the residents of the affected apartments from Monday (for information on how and who can receive them, an applicant should contact the city council tent).
For reference:
Anatoly Kurtev, secretary of the Zaporizhzhia city council, reported that Russian invaders attacked the city on the night of July 15. As a result, an infrastructure object was hit, and one local man was injured and taken to hospital in moderate condition.
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