The Czechs collected more than $600,000 within the framework of the "Gift for Putin" initiative.
The fundraising campaign is over. Thanks to your generosity, we have more than CZK 14 million in our accounts, with which we will buy 10 tons of Black Dough explosives, 10,000 detonators and 10 kilometers of flash cord, the volunteers said.
The explosives are intended for the Ukrainian Rapid Operational Response Unit, which works on the front line.
Volunteers stated that such explosives are perfect for use by engineering units and special forces that need these resources to perform precision demolition work. The units will effectively destroy unexploded ordnance as well.
The collected Black Dough explosive is manufactured by the Czech arms maker STV GROUP. It is durable and powerful enough to use underwater or in extreme temperature conditions.
The Czech defense ministry will supervise the purchase and transport of these explosives. All resources will be transferred to Ukrainian units in a short time.
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