“It’s honor for us to be allies” – Zelensky to US on Independence Day

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky marked the US Independence Day in an op-ed published Sunday lauding "American exceptionalism" and Western ideals of freedom and expressing thanks for the U.S. support and "example of liberty."

He stressed that the USA can always count on Ukraine as an ally in the coalition of the free and the brave.

Happy 4th of July, America! Only the brave gain independence and only the best of the brave are able to pass the freedom from generation to generation. It is an honor for us to be an ally of such dream, such courage, and such freedom, Zelensky noted.

He compared July 4, 1776 — the day America's founders adopted the Declaration of Independence — to Feb. 24, 2022 — the day Russia invaded Ukraine. 

Ukrainian love of freedom, with US support, has ignited a new powerful flame of liberty in our part of Europe, which will not go out and will ensure that tyranny will never again pass through Europe and, therefore, Europe will not need American soldiers' participation in bloody battles for freedom.

The President emphasized that the Ukrainian dream of living freely when it is crowned with victory in the brutal and unprovoked war unleashed by Russia will give fresh energy to the American leadership.

The world clearly sees now – the one who stands with Ukraine stands for freedom. And after our victory, the world will be convinced again – the one who values freedom always wins, Zelensky believes.

The Ukrainian president concluded with a warning that Russia could invade deeper into Europe — and that other countries like Iran could "take up arms against free people elsewhere — if Russia were to succeed in Ukraine.

All such scenarios can be stopped only by the steadfast defense of freedom, those who aspire to freedom, and the alliances created to protect freedom, he said.

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