Almost 67% of Ukrainians would not agree to return to the borderline as of February 24, 2022, instead of restoring the borders as of 1991.
The percentage of those who support borders that existed until February 24, 2022 (17.2%) is lower than the number of supporters of direct negotiations with Russia to achieve peace (23.1%).
The poll also showed 84% of Ukrainians have a negative attitude toward Russian citizens.
More than a third of respondents (34.6%) believe that all Russians bear responsibility for the war with Ukraine, regardless of their political beliefs.
More than a quarter of Ukrainians (26.1%) have a negative attitude towards all Russian citizens, except for those who actively oppose the war and the Kremlin.
23.3% have a negative attitude only towards those Russian citizens who support Russian aggression against Ukraine.
About half of the respondents (46.6%) have relatives in Russia and Belarus. However, given the question, "How have your relations with relatives in Russia and Belarus changed?" 42.2% chose the answer "We do not talk anymore."
Almost every third (29.5%) chose the option "We talk, but avoid topics about war and politics."
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