What new reality awaits us and the world after the war? How to live after the victory and what challenges to prepare for?
On June 7, we will hold four panel discussions with experts and opinion leaders.
Main partner: NATO
Discussion of the model of long-term "coexistence" with Russia and Belarus after the cessation of active hostilities, ways to build defense and effective models of preventing aggression, as well as the role of Ukraine as a deterrent to Russia's imperial ambitions in Europe.
We will also talk about de-mining our territories, as currently about 30% of Ukraine's territory is mined, and the restoration begins with de-mining.
After the victory, Ukraine will receive large amounts of money from partners and business representatives for reconstruction. Currently, there are no mechanisms in place to control the targeted use of these funds and to prevent their theft. That is why working groups are already being set up to develop transparency and accountability tools.
Reconstruction should be primarily focused on people, their safety, comfort, and development. During the discussion, we will talk about a new education system, rebuilding schools and hospitals according to European standards, and mechanisms for returning people who were forced to flee from abroad.
For more than a year now, Ukraine has been at the top of the news, and the level of support is extremely high. But how do we maintain this admiration for our country after the victory? We need to develop a communication strategy for promoting the Ukrainian brand in the international information space right now.
Among the speakers and moderators are:
To buy a ticket to the conference, please follow the link: https://prt.mn/rvazXO5064
All proceeds from ticket sales will be transferred to rebuild Ukraine through the UNITED24 fundraising platform
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