UK sanctions 86 Russian entities and individuals linked to theft of Ukrainian grain

Great Britain introduced a new package of sanctions against 86 Russian individuals and entities that support the war in Ukraine.

The sanctions apply to people and companies associated with Russia's energy, defense, transport, and financial sectors. London is increasing pressure on these fields to reduce Russia's financial ability to wage war.

  • Transport sector

Sanctions apply to 24 individuals and legal entities related to transport services. This includes the largest Russia shipping company linked to Sovkomflot and six other shipping enterprises.

Powell Shipping Co LLP, the state grain corporation, and its director Mykyta Busel, are suspected to be involved in the systematic theft of Ukrainian grain from warehouses and fields from occupied territories.

  • Energy sector

9 companies related to the Russian state nuclear company Rosatom have been sanctioned.

Sanctions also apply to TRINITI, which studies laser physics for military purposes. It is financed from the state budget. This company's lasers are installed on tanks to blind aircraft optics and disable high-precision weapons.

  • Defense sector

20 managers and defense companies are now sanctioned, including persons who support the equipping of Russian forces and Wagner PMC.  The restrictions concern Alan Lushinkov and Vladimir Lepin, who are directors of the Kalashnikov armsmaker, which produces 95% of all firearms in Russia.

The sanctions also apply to BMZ enterprise, which produces anti-personnel and anti-tank mines and others, and Motovylikhinsky Zavody, which produces howitzers.

  • Other sectors

Five financial institutions were sanctioned, including DOM.rf and "Metallurgical Investment Bank, including eight companies related to the production of metals.

Sanctions also target Igor Altushkin, who owns the Russian Copper Company — the third largest copper producer in the state.

So far, the US has announced new export restrictions against Russia and Belarus. Now phones, voice recorders, and household appliances are forbidden from import into these countries.

Australia introduced new sanctions against Russia in response to its war in Ukraine. In particular, the oil company Rosneft,  a gold mining company and a number of banks fell under restrictions.

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