Eco-solution: Ukraine will create 120 forest recreation centers

Ukraine launches a program for the creation of forest recreation centers. The state forest enterprise plans to create more than 120 recreation areas.

The estimated amount of investments will reach over $2 million.

What is the problem?

Previously, forest farms were engaged in arranging recreation sites. It was someone else paying attention, time, and money to this. Some did not really care about the issue. There was neither a generalized practice nor clear requirements and standards nor recreational management models.

What is the solution?

"This year, State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" plans to build more than 120 facilities across the country. Almost two dozen of them are leisure complexes with full infrastructure, water, and electricity," the founder said.

How does it work?

This will be the first program in the history of Ukrainian forestry for the development of recreation, developed by a team of specialists.

Foresters plan to create five types of leisure centers, from small, simple ones to complexes with full-fledged infrastructure. The design will be approved according to the modular principle based on typical small architectural forms.

Today, the enterprise is already carrying out work on clearing and arranging plots for construction and carrying out communications.

"Currently, we are investing our own financial resources because we believe in this project. We know that this format works and gives results. However, we are already starting the search for external investments, and interaction with Ukraine's international partners, he added.

He believes that such centers can become self-sustaining if they will be placed at the right location and managed effectively.

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