Megogo and UAnimals team up to support animal rescue centers with “Movies from the Future” ticket sales

Media service Megogo and UAnimals charitable foundation created posters for "movies from the future" with the help of artificial intelligence.

What is the problem?

UAnimals is an animal protection movement annually holds marches for animal rights in Ukrainian cities. Since the start of the full-scale war, UAnimals has been helping to evacuate animals from frontline areas, buy food for war-torn regions, and help injured animals. Fundraising for new enclosures for the Center for the Rescue of Wild Animals in the Kyiv Region UAnimals was launched in May.

What is the solution?

These movies have been called "films that do not exist but save." Such examples include "The Shaggy Conductor," "Leopard the Hit of the Season," "Swan's Nest," "Pixel," and "Ascania Again."

The film "The Shaggy Conductor" is based on factual events that transpired during the Spring of 2022 and follows the narrative of a canine named Nicole, whose owner was a conductor in evacuation trains and received the assistance of her loyal pup.

How does it work?

By purchasing a ticket for one of these films, users donate.

The proceeds from the sale will be transferred to the reconstruction of the Rescue Center for wild animals taken from the hotspots of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The goal of "Wild Collection" is to collect one million hryvnias and draw attention to the rescue of animals during the war. If more is raised, the funds will be distributed to another UAnimals initiative.

You can also donate here.

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