Yuriy Bolokhovets, the general director of the "Lisy Ukrainy" [Forests of Ukraine – ed.] State Enterprise, reported this on Facebook.
What is the problem?
Deforestation is a highly pressing environmental concern that has far–reaching ramifications for global ecology. Trees are often referred to as the lungs of the Earth, and it is easy to understand why their loss has such a drastic effect.
As a whole, they comprise a single ecosystem that affects the lives of various flora and fauna, the soil, the atmosphere, and the water regime.
Common reasons for deforestation include:
But more often, cutting down trees takes place illegally and uncontrollably for the sake of profit.
What is the solution?
"The government adopted a resolution on launching an electronic logging ticket and a certificate of wood origin. Our State Forestry Agency team worked on these changes for two years," the company notes.
As Bolokhovets emphasizes, the changes will take effect on June 1.
According to the head of the state-owned enterprise, with the introduction of the e-logging ticket, the risks of corruption will be minimized, which was sufficient during the existence of the paper version of the document.
How does it work?
An electronic ticket will be issued for each individual plot where logging is planned and will contain information on all types of deforestation. Its effect will apply to all forest users.
The "Lisy Ukrainy" State Enterprise shall also commit to utilizing this service.
E-logging tickets will be automatically entered on the Forestry Innovation and Analytical Center State Enterprise site map and in the electronic wood accounting system, creating a single electronic database.
Bolokhovets emphasized that the logging ticket and the certificate of wood origin will be available online.
For reference:
As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal of the Ministry of Environment to introduce an electronic logging ticket in Ukraine from June 1.
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