The speaker of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the USA, Colonel Dave Butler, said in an interview with RBC-Ukraine that this would complicate the supply of air defense and artillery shells for the needs of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.
"I can speak a little bit about this as an American, not on behalf of the international community," Butler said. "We have a certain amount of resources allocated to Ukraine, and F-16s are very expensive. The Russians have over 500 fighters. Providing the Ukrainians with the same or at least a competitive number of F-16s would require more resources than our government has allowed us to do now."
According to him, if the US started supplying Ukraine with F-16s, it would be so expensive that providing other necessary weapons would not be possible.
"…If we started supplying Ukraine with F-16s, it would be so expensive that we could not provide what Ukraine needs now: air defense, Patriots, artillery shells, Abrams on approach, etc. Instead, we would spend all our resources on a very complex technically, expensive to maintain, expensive to operate F-16. It is a weighing of one and the other. Probably not everything can be [provided] in full in this case," said a Pentagon representative.
In March, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, said that Ukraine needs F-16 fighter jets.
During the hearings in US Senate Committee on the Armed Forces, the Pentagon chief, Lloyd Austin, said that the Armed Forces might receive F-16 IV generation fighters in the future.
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