Ukrainian Film “We will not fade away” wins best documentary at Germany’s goEast festival

The film about Ukrainian teenagers, "We will not fade away," won the "Best Documentary" award at the goEast film festival of Central and Eastern Europe in the German city of Wiesbaden.

Rubryka reports, citing the press release of the State Cinema of Ukraine, that the picture is a joint production of Ukraine, France, Poland, and the USA.

The annual film festival of Central and Eastern Europe goEast, founded by the director of the German Film Institute, Claudia Dillmann, was first held in 2001 in Wiesbaden. 

The film "We will not fade" is the story of teenagers growing up in the east of Ukraine against the background of war and an extraordinary journey to the peaks of the Himalayas.

The heroes of the film protest against gray everyday life and strive to follow the calling of their dreams, yearning for freedom, change, and the opening of new horizons.

"The upcoming journey to the peaks of the Himalayan mountains becomes a new gulp of hope and self-belief for them, illuminating the darkness that is slowly shrinking around them," says the film team. "This mosaic story takes us through three years of the lives of five rebellious teenagers… It is about the last beautiful sensual moments of youth before the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine, about a world that no longer exists, about the light that tries to absorb the darkness, about the light that does not go out."

The film's world premiere took place at this year's Berlin International Film Festival. "We will not fade away" recently won the Best Documentary Award at the Crossing Europe Film Festival in Linz.

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