The Council of the EU reported in a press release on Monday, April 24, that the European Union and Ukraine will now recognize and enforce each other's court decisions in civil or commercial cases.
The EU and Ukraine took this step within the Hague Convention concluded in 2019. This international treaty obliges participating states to recognize and enforce court decisions made in civil or commercial cases in other participating states.
Ukraine ratified the Convention in 2022. Contractual relations between Ukraine and the EU will be established from September 1, 2023, if neither party objects.
"With this decision to recognize and enforce each other's judgments, the ties between the EU and Ukraine will only become stronger," said Gunnar Strömmer, Sweden's Minister of Justice.
The EU member states believe that there are no fundamental obstacles (in particular, related to the independence and efficiency of the judicial system, the fight against corruption, or the observance of fundamental rights) that could prevent the EU from entering into contractual relations with Ukraine.
Today's decision will make the Convention an essential tool for promoting international trade.
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