The NGO Prostir reports that "Support of leading organizations in combating corruption in Ukraine" is a corruption prevention project implemented by Management Systems International of the TetraTech group of companies, Ukraine's State Special Communications Service, and USAID.
What is the problem?
Ukraine ranks 116th in the latest ranking by Global Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2022. In the last years, it has risen six places, and now Ukraine scores 33 points (0 means "highly corrupt" to 100, meaning "not corrupt," according to Kyiv Post, which obtained data from the global anti-corruption movement Transparency International (TI).
What is the solution?
The organizers aim to implement projects that increase public support and involvement in anti-corruption activities and increase the transparency and accountability of the work of authorities during the war in the transitional and post-war periods. The project expects innovative ideas and results-oriented approaches.
How does it work?
The initiatives that will receive the grant will contribute to the achievement of the following results:
Public organizations can focus on the following areas:
The grant for the organization will be an amount in hryvnias, equivalent to an amount between $10,000 and $150,000. The deadline for submitting concepts is June 30, 2023.
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