It exceeds the previous plans to establish three wells, Serhii Koretsky, the company's CEO, says.
"The first well, with a depth of 2,213 meters, will be an exploratory well. It should reveal promising deposits of three horizons. The expected flow rate of the well is 42 tons per day," he reported.
Koretsky noted there would be a total of five new wells at the field, which was opened in 2001.
Ukrnafta plans to drill two of wells with its own rig and to announce a tender for three more to attract external contractors for "turnkey" drilling.
"All new wells that will be operated by the company will immediately be equipped with modern telemetry and be fully automated. We are planning to implement the concept of "digital well" and "digital field" at all Ukrnafta facilities," the company's head emphasized.
Ukrnafta plans to increase oil production by 6% to 1.45 million tons in 2023 compared to 2022.
In 2022, Ukrnafta reduced oil production by 8.6% to 1.37 million tons compared to 2021.
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