Rubryka reports that bands, musicians, educational institutions, and public organizations can participate.
What is the problem?
Because of the war, musical initiatives in Ukraine need special support. As Ukraine's defense is taking a central role, cultural industries are often overlooked.
What is the solution?
A grant program for inclusive music initiatives is being launched in Ukraine.
This is a joint initiative of the Japanese musician and frontman of the band X Japan Yoshiki and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
How does it work?
Musicians will be able to receive up to $10,000 in grants for charity concerts and jams, the purchase of musical instruments for music school students, free classes for migrant children, and songwriting workshops.
They plan to provide five to ten grants. Ukrainians can apply until April 12, 2023, write a motivation letter and fill out a budget form.
Ukrainian music label Enko launched a grant program for Ukrainian artists. Each artist will receive 50,000 hryvnias for developing their brand: 25,000 hryvnias for advertising, and another 25,000 for developing creativity.
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