The relevant statement was made by the Kherson regional administration on Facebook.
"A humanitarian convoy has arrived in the Beryslav community. These are things people need from the International Organization for Migration, which is part of the UN, WHO, and HEKS-Epper system. There were 40 tons of aid in four trucks, namely, hygiene kits, blankets, NFI kits, which include blankets, mattresses, towels, flashlights, thermoses, as well as special kits for people with limited mobility, and medicines," the message says.
On March 2, russian troops attacked civilians standing in a queue to receive humanitarian aid in the Kherson region's Beryslav district with their drones. Nine people were injured, including a child. Civil infrastructure objects were damaged.
Ukraine's ambassador to Australia has called on Adelaide's city council to consider a humanitarian partnership with Kherson, saying funds raised as part of any such plan could help rebuild schools and hospitals.
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