Yuriy Blokhovets, head of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine, reported that on Facebook.
What is the problem?
The insufficient development of the forest transport network is one of the main problems of the Ukrainian forest industry, Blokhovets says.
He emphasizes that the density of forest roads in Ukraine is several times lower than in Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, etc.
What is the solution?
It is noted that the number of forest roads in Ukraine has been constantly increasing in recent years.
Thus, in 2020, 65 km were built, in 2021 – 130 km, in 2022 – 140 km.
"This year, given the new opportunities opened up by the reform of the forest industry and the creation of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine", the number of new roads should be more than tripled," Blokhovets noted.
How does it work?
Blokhovets explained that such construction will ensure:
He emphasized that investments in forest roads are economically justified. After all, the funds spent are quickly returned under the condition of effective management.
Blokhovets added that the regional offices of "Forests of Ukraine" plan to build:
He also noted that almost 90% of the constructions are expected to be carried out by contractors. The preparation of the first tenders for the Central Office will begin in the near future.
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