44,218 people died in the earthquakes in Turkey and 5,914 in Syria, Al Jazeera reports.
240,000 rescuers and volunteers continue to work in the 11 earthquake-affected provinces of Turkey; in recent days, it has not been possible to get people alive from under the rubble, and the chances of this remain extremely small given the weather conditions and the time that has passed since the earthquakes .
530,000 people were evacuated from the affected regions of Turkey. The earthquakes destroyed or seriously damaged 173,000 buildings in the country, and almost 2 million Turkish people are still living in temporary shelters.
On February 6, two earthquakes occurred in the southeast of Turkey: in the Pazardzhik district of the Kahramanmarash province – with a magnitude of 7.7 and in the Elbistan district of the same province – with a magnitude of 7.6.
In Turkey, employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine helped eliminate the consequences of earthquakes and carry out search and rescue operations.
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