Survey shows highest-ever support among Ukrainians to join EU and NATO

The growth of Euro-Atlantic sentiments in Ukraine became one of the direct consequences of the russian invasion. In February 2023, these indicators increased even more: 87% support Ukraine's entry into the European Union, and 86% do into NATO.

Sociologists at the Rating sociological group say in the survey that Ukrainians see victory not only in liberating temporarily occupied territories and destroying the enemy on the battlefield. They also connect it with real Euro-Atlantic integration, with which the country will receive absolute security guarantees.

The history of support for joining NATO is fascinating in terms of the dynamics of the war, the Rating experts say.

Blue shows Ukrainian citizens in favor of joining NATO. Red indicates the opposite position. Photo: Rating sociological group

First, there was a record growth of the indicator at the beginning of March (up to 76%), then a drop at the end of March (up to 68%). It was associated with delays in the delivery of weapons, and the majority (89%) of respondents believed that closing the sky was Ukraine's most needed international aid.

Then, starting in the summer, against active international military support, Ukrainians demonstrated record levels of support for Ukraine's accession to NATO. They came very close to supporting Ukraine's accession to the EU.

"Today, for Ukrainians, NATO is a guarantee of military security. The European Union means values and economic security," the authors of the study note.

Blue shows Ukrainian citizens in favor of joining EU. Red indicates the opposite position. Photo: Rating Sociological Group

The survey was conducted on February 6-7, 2023, among 1,000 respondents in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, as well as territories where there was no Ukrainian mobile communication at the time of the survey. The study's representativeness error with a confidence probability of 0.95: no more than 3.1%.

We will remind you that, according to the survey of the Rating sociological group, support for joining NATO has increased again in recent months. The January 2023 indicator is the highest in the history of observations.

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