No capacity deficit in Ukraine’s power system as two NPP units put into operation

Electricity consumption as of 11:00 remains significant due to the drop in temperature, while no power shortage is reported due to the commissioning of two nuclear power plant units and successful repair works by Ukrenergo's crews.

That's according to the operator's press service.

"Consumption remains significant due to the drop in temperature, although it's lower than on a weekday. As of today, thanks to the round-the-clock efforts of Ukrenergo repair crews and the commissioning of two NPP units, as well as the reduction of consumption on a weekend, there is no capacity shortage," the report says.

The press service also noted that no consumption caps had been set for today but emergency shutdowns can be applied if consumption rises. In particular, this applies to Odesa, Kyiv, Khmelnytskyi, and Zhytomyr regions, as well as the city of Kyiv. The removal of consumption caps applies only to February 12 as they may be put back in place at the beginning of the working week.

Ukrenergo also informed the public that restoration work continues at thermal power plants damaged by Russian missile and drone strikes. Part of electricity is being imported.

Ukraine's power system has already survived 14 enemy missile attacks and 17 waves of UAV strikes on energy facilities. In addition, more than 10 GW of the main installed capacities are currently inaccessible to the Ukrainian energy system, being under the enemy control. This is Europe's largest Zaporizhia NPP, as well as the Zaporizhia TPP, Luhansk TPP, Vuhlehirsk TPP, and Kakhovka HPP.

The majority of wind and solar power plants are also located in the temporarily occupied territories of the country's south. In addition to the NPPs, the rest of the power plants are considered key regulating capacities. It is they who cover consumption peaks in the morning and evening hours, when the shortage is the greatest.

Repair work is ongoing in Odesa region. Work is also underway at all other objects damaged by Russian missile and drone strikes.

As reported, the enemy continues the attempts to destroy Ukraine's power system. Overnight Sunday, the air forces shot down five drones that were targeting critical infrastructure facilities in the southeast direction.

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