President Zelensky named Person of the Year by Austria’s Profil

The Austrian weekly news magazine, Profil, has named President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky 'Person of the Year' for his influence on the fate of Ukraine and the West.

The relevant article was published on Profil's website.

The article titled "Volodymyr Zelensky: The man who shook up the free world" says that Zelensky has managed to be seen worldwide not only as the representative of Ukraine attacked by Russia, but as the man of the West.

"Anyone who sees themselves as part of the West intellectually, ideologically and in real terms – and this applies to the Republic of Austria, as well as to Profil news magazine – comes to the unavoidable conclusion: Zelensky is our man. There is no lack of originality, when the British newspaper Financial Times, the US magazine Time, and now also Profil consider the same person to be the most important and influential person this year," the article reads.

Profil mentions that, as Russia's full-scale invasion started on February 24, Zelensky decided not to leave the country and not to surrender, but ordered his army to resist.

"With this act of bravery, he earns respect," the article noted.

Additionally, Zelensky managed to earn the support of the West.

"Again and again he warns that Putin's attack on Ukraine is in fact an attack on the free world and that it must therefore side with Ukraine.Volodymyr Zelenskyy has absolutely no problem invoking Western values ​​in his fight against Putin, and everyone understands what he means. It is a struggle for freedom and democratic self-determination," Profil explained.

According to the article, Zelensky initiated the return of the West and also NATO, which had just been declared obsolete.

"Volodymyr Zelensky's influence on the fate of Ukraine and the West this year makes him Profil's Person of the Year from the point of view of the editorial team," the author of the article summed up.

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