US and G7 countries support Zelensky’s peace plan — US Ambassador to Ukraine

The United States and other G7 countries support Ukraine's President's peace plan.

This was stated by the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Bridget Brink, in an interview with Channel 24.

"Now it is very clear who is on the side of peace and who is on the side of war. President Zelensky spoke about a peace plan consisting of 10 points. We, the United States and the G7 countries support this plan because we believe that it could be a potential plan to end the war. Just this Monday, russia again fired 70 missiles at Ukrainian cities. It is now absolutely clear that the russians do not want to end the war. The United States supports peace. The peace that was proposed in Zelensky's plan," the diplomat noted.

According to her, how and when the war will end will depend on President Zelensky. At the same time, she recalled the statement of American leader Joe Biden that if the russians wanted to stop the war, putin could do it simply today: he should stop and withdraw his troops — and the war will end.


During the G20 summit, Volodymyr Zelensky announced a peace plan to stop russia's aggression.

The 10-point plan envisages coordination of international efforts to establish nuclear, energy and food security.

One of the key provisions is the withdrawal of russian troops from the entire territory of Ukraine within the internationally recognized borders.

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