The Ministry of Defense of Great Britain announced this on Twitter on Friday, citing intelligence.
It is noted that russia's withdrawal from the western bank of the Dnipro River last month gave the Armed Forces of Ukraine the opportunity to strike additional russian logistics hubs and communication lines.
It is likely that this threat prompted russian logisticians to move supply nodes, including rail transshipment points, further south, and east, according to British intelligence.
russian logistics units will have to carry out extra labor-intensive loading and unloading from railways to road transport.
"russia's shortage of munitions (exacerbated by these logistics challenges) is likely one of the main factors currently limiting russia's potential to restart effective, large-scale offensive ground operations," the summary said.
British intelligence has previously noted that the effectiveness of russia's strategy to strike Ukraine's critical infrastructure has declined because moscow has already expended a significant portion of its usable missiles against tactical targets.
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