russia launched 70 cruise missiles at Ukraine: air defense downs 51

On November 23, during a large-scale missile attack, the russian federation launched 70 cruise missiles on the territory of Ukraine, of which air defense shot down 51, and the occupiers also attacked with five kamikaze drones.

Rubryka reports, referring to the press center of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Air Force noted that the aggressor country had again delivered a massive strike with cruise missiles.

"On November 23, the terrorist state once again launched a massive missile attack on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine from strategic aviation planes and ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

The launches were carried out from 10 Tu-95ms missile-carrying aircraft from the Volgodonsk region of the Rostov oblast and the Caspian Sea, as well as from two small missile boats from the Black Sea," the aviators emphasized.

Photo: Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the Air Force, the russians fired about 70 Kh-101/Kh-555 Kalibr cruise missiles.

Ukrainian air defense destroyed 51 missiles.

In addition, five Lantset-type attack unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the south of the country.


We will remind you that on the afternoon of November 23, an air raid alert was sounded throughout Ukraine.

The anti-aircraft defense worked in several regions.

Currently, 9 Ukrainian regions are officially known to have been attacked.

As Rubryka wrote, the russian invaders hit the residential sector and critical infrastructure facilities in the Kyiv region with cruise missiles.

At least 20 injured and one dead are known.

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