This is reported by the russian propaganda agency RIA Novosti, which quotes the words of russia's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrii Rudenko.
"There are no preconditions from our side, except for the main condition — that Ukraine shows goodwill," the official emphasized.
We will remind you that on October 31, putin said he was sorry because Ukraine does not want to negotiate with the russian federation. However, he plans to wait for its consent.
On October 4, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, implemented the decision of the National Security and Defense Council, which stated the impossibility of negotiating with putin and the need to strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities.
The Washington Post, citing sources, reported that the Administration of US President Joe Biden is privately calling on Ukrainian leaders to declare their readiness to negotiate with russia.
After that, Zelensky said in his address that Ukraine's conditions are known to everyone.
"Once again: restoration of territorial integrity, respect for the UN Charter, compensation for all damages caused by the war, punishment of every war criminal, and guarantees that this will not happen again. These are absolutely clear conditions," Zelensky said.
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