Polish Senate recognized russian government as terrorist regime

The Polish Senate voted on Wednesday, October 26, for a resolution recognizing the russian federation as a terrorist regime.

This is reported by Polish Radio.

All present Polish senators voted for the resolution.

"The russian invaders are terrorizing the residents of Ukrainian towns, bombarding civilian targets: kindergartens, schools, theatres, and housing estates. Bandits in Russian uniforms are torturing and murdering prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied territories. They are kidnapping Ukrainian children to raise them in a regime of Janissaries. They are deporting, resettling, and sending Ukrainian citizens to the farthest reaches of Russia," the resolution reads.

As stated in the document, "we know all these acts of state terrorism well from the pages of history. Europeans believed that they would never be threatened by genocide and war crimes. Meanwhile, (russian president — ed.) vladimir putin and his apparatus of violence have returned to the cruel practices of the Stalin and Hitler regimes."

"The Senate of the Republic of Poland once again strongly condemns Russian aggression and calls on all countries that advocate peace, democracy, and human rights to recognize the Government of the Russian Federation as a terrorist regime," the resolution reads.

In addition, "the Senate of the Republic of Poland expresses its gratitude to all institutions and organizations that undertook the investigation and documentation of crimes committed against Ukrainian society, and calls on the international community to provide full support to the International Criminal Court, which is investigating these crimes."

In the resolution, the Senate thanked all Poles, the government and local administrations, non-governmental organizations, and entrepreneurs for the help provided since February 24 to Ukrainians fleeing russian bombs, primarily women and children.

As reported, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on October 13 adopted a resolution declaring the regime in russia terrorist.

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