This is stated in the message of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.
"How do you think russia is paying Iran for this? Is Iran just interested in money? Probably not money at all, but russian assistance to the Iranian nuclear program. Probably, this is exactly the meaning of their alliance," the president said.
According to him, this alliance of theirs would not have happened if, at one time, the politicians in Israel had made only one decision, the decision that Ukraine asked for.
"Every time we discuss russian missile and drone terror at the stake meeting, we also mention the partners who already help or can help us protect the sky. Unfortunately, the words "Israel" and "Israeli" do not sound at that moment. Of course, this is the decision of your state and your governments. It seems that it was adopted long ago, back in 2014, when russia began aggression against Ukraine. The decision "not to annoy" the kremlin and not to help Ukraine is for real," Zelensky added.
The president said that the alliance between russia and Iran could be rendered meaningless if Ukraine and Israel act together.
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