Фото: Reuters
This was announced by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ruslan Strilets.
The Minister of Ecology noted that as a result of russia's aggression, the damage from air pollution in Ukraine has already exceeded the mark of 920 billion UAH, and the damage to the soil and land amounts to more than 138 billion UAH.
This was caused by the numerous crimes that russia committed in Ukraine. In particular, more than 40 oil depots were destroyed, as a result of which more than 500,000 tons of toxic substances were released into the atmosphere.
However, the air has the ability to spread, so these kinds of environmental disasters can be observed in other countries as well.
"For these six months, more than 3,500 rockets were launched across Ukraine. As a result of the explosions, more than 46 million tons of pollutants were released into the air," said Ruslan Strilets.
As long as the war lasts, these indicators will increase. Experts made calculations and said that about 2,000 cases of destruction of living nature were recorded.
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