MEPs call on world community to increase arms supplies to Ukraine

Members of the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the world to increase military aid to Ukraine amid russian aggression.

The press service of the European Parliament reports that 504 votes adopted the resolution, 26 were against it, and another 36 abstained at a plenary session of the parliament in Strasbourg.

Saluting the courage of the Ukrainian people defending their country and European values, the MEPs call on EU member states and other countries that support Ukraine to significantly increase their military aid, especially in areas requested by the Ukrainian government. The resolution calls on member states that are "hesitant" to provide their fair share of the necessary military aid to help reduce the russian-Ukrainian war.

The document's text also states that the results of fictitious "referendums" held at gunpoint regarding the annexation of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia regions are "invalid."

Members of the European Parliament called on member states and international partners to introduce additional strict sanctions against russia to prepare a quick and decisive response if russia launches a nuclear attack on Ukraine.

"Any attempt by Russia to present attacks on occupied territories as an attack on Russia itself, and thus as grounds for a nuclear attack, is illegal and baseless and will not deter the European Union from further assistance to Ukraine's self-defense," the statement reads.

The European Parliament also condemns military mobilization in russia and measures that force residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to serve in the armed or auxiliary forces of russia, which the Geneva Convention prohibits.

Members of the European Parliament call for creating a special international tribunal for crimes of aggression against Ukraine, "where Putin and all those Russian civilian and military officials and their proxies responsible for masterminding, launching and conducting the war in Ukraine would be prosecuted."

Finally, the deputies appealed to the EU member states to strengthen the protection of critical European infrastructure.

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