Zelensky: Majority of EU states already see Ukraine as EU member

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that most of the countries of the European Union already see Ukraine as an EU member

He said this during a communication with the university community and public figures of Switzerland, President's press service reports.

"We have already obtained the candidate status – we worked hard on this even during the war… The country chose the path to the European Union. There is no doubt that we will receive membership in the European Union within two or three years. At least we are clearly on our way – both legislatively and in dialogue with our partners. And most EU countries already see us there," Zelensky noted.

He also emphasized that Ukraine is on the way to NATO membership and is simultaneously preparing an agreement on security guarantees.

"We have developed a serious document – recommendations for this agreement for a group of countries – security guarantors for Ukraine. We need this agreement very much. And we need it very much on the way to NATO," the President added that it is unknown how long this path will last, but our state needs security on it.

"These two directions, which I mentioned, already indicate that Ukraine will be a European state." He expressed hope that thanks to a powerful army and combat experience, Ukraine will also be one of the safest countries.

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