Switzerland suspended simplified visa regime with russia

The Federal Council of Switzerland has suspended the simplified visa regime with russia, following a similar decision by the EU.

It is stated in the department's press release.

"At a meeting on September 16, 2022, the Federal Council decided to completely suspend the agreement to simplify the issuance of visas, which Switzerland concluded with russia. Thus, russian citizens who want to obtain a visa will again follow the usual procedure," the government said.

The Federal Council noted that considering that russia's aggression against Ukraine continues in violation of international law, the European Union decided on September 9, 2022, to completely suspend the agreement with the russian federation on simplifying visa issuance.

At a meeting on Friday, the Swiss government also decided to suspend the agreement that the country had previously concluded with russia.

"Switzerland has already canceled the simplification of obtaining visas for certain categories of people, for example, russian businessmen and women, and exemption from visa requirements for russian diplomats. Thus, the Federal Council also followed the decision of the EU," the department added.

It is emphasized that Switzerland is interested in contributing to a common and unified visa policy at the European level, otherwise, it risks facing an increase in the number of visa applications submitted to its missions abroad by russian citizens seeking to circumvent EU decisions.


On September 12, the Council of the EU's decision to suspend the agreement on the simplified visa regime with the russian federation entered into force.

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