Sweden can become European leader in “green technologies”

Sweden is actively implementing "green" technologies in energy and industry. Thus, the country can achieve climate neutrality faster than other states.

In Sweden, "green" innovations are already quite visible in many areas of the economy. And in some of them, they are even vital. In 2021, the share of renewable energy sources in Sweden's electricity generation structure will reach almost 60%. Nuclear power plants provide another 30%.

The road to such a structure was very long. But in recent years, the role of natural energy has been growing at a fantastic pace. The last coal-fired power plant in Sweden was closed in 2020 — 2 years earlier than planned.

As of 2020, only 6 NPP reactors are operating in the country. And the main emphasis in terms of electricity is on small hydroelectric power plants and biofuels.

In recent years, wind generation has been developing more and more actively in the country. Substantial offshore wind farms are being built here — that is, sea-based stations with wind turbines installed on the bottom of the sea. In February of this year, Khashayar Farmanbar, Minister of Energy and Digitalization of Sweden, announced the opening of new marine areas where it is possible to place wind power plants capable of producing 20-30 TWh* per year.

The Swedish experience can become a base for other EU countries, which have all begun to refuse russian oil and gas, which are becoming the aggressor's "energy weapons."

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