Фото: Genya Savilov/Pool via REUTERS
He said this during a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"For us, the visit of your team is an important signal confirming the leadership support that exists today among all the states in the world, the leadership positions of the USA in supporting Ukraine in the war for our freedom, for democracy, for our nation, for our people, for our land in the war with the aggressor – the Russian Federation," Zelensky said.
The Ukrainian president thanked Blinken personally, as well as US President Joe Biden and his administration, the US Congress for financial assistance provided to the Ukrainian economy and strengthening the Ukrainian army.
"These are very important signals that the US is with us. For us, this is a guarantee that we can return our territories, our lands," Zelensky stressed.
As reported, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Kyiv on Thursday, September 8.
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