
Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration: Ukraine no longer wants NATO MAP and only needs membership

Ukraine no longer wants to receive a NATO membership action plan. Since Ukraine has de facto implemented many NATO practices through the war with russia.

It was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, Olha Stefanishyna, European Pravda reports.

"If Ukraine had been offered a MAP by February 24, we would have been most satisfied with this decision, happy, and would have believed that we fulfilled the requirement of our Constitution, and this is the only correct decision. Today, the MAP proposal within the framework of NATO will be equivalent to the decision of the Bucharest Summit in 2008," she explained.

The minister emphasized that the Ukrainian army is now gaining unique combat experience that other military allies of the Alliance do not have.

"The main "carrots," interesting opportunities in the conditions of this war, we could get only now as a member of the Alliance, which would be covered by the 5th article of the NATO treaty. Everything else we are doing and it does not require the involvement of high-ranking politicians or ministers today. Cooperation with NATO is taking place. But in matters related to security guarantees, only membership can change the situation," Stefanishyna added.

It should be noted that at the Bucharest Summit in 2008, NATO member countries decided that Ukraine and Georgia would become members of the Alliance. For this, countries need to implement the MAP.

It should be noted that the NATO Secretary General called for more weapons and equipment to be provided to Ukraine as soon as possible.

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