ZNPP employees note that now there is an atmosphere of fear at the plant.
"We are concerned by the possible visit of IAEA representatives. Because the Russians will arrange provocations and then blame Ukraine for them. It seems that this is exactly what they plan to do," said one of the Ukrainian NPP workers, Ukraine's nuclear power plant operator Energoatom posted on Telegram.
In addition, the invaders are preparing various provocations ahead of the IAEA mission visit. In particular, according to ZNPP employees, the Russians will reduce the presence of Ukrainian staff to a minimum and place several Russian representatives in each room of the control center "who will shout loudly that they have been waiting for the 'liberation' from the Kyiv regime."
The Russian occupiers arrest Ukrainian personnel and send them to basements. "People come back from these 'conversations' in the basement and don't say a word at all. It will not be a surprise if during the visit of the mission they suddenly start saying what they were told," the interlocutor explained.
As reported, the IAEA inspectors plan to visit the Zaporizhzhia NPP captured by Russia at the beginning of next week.
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