Seven EU countries parliaments issued joint statement on new sanctions against russia, including visa restrictions

The heads of the foreign affairs committees of the parliaments of seven EU member states issued a joint statement calling for new sanctions against the russian federation for its aggression against Ukraine

The European Parliament reports it.

As noted in the publication, the statement was signed by the heads of the foreign affairs committees of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Denmark parliaments.

In the statement, they list all the arguments that testify to the unacceptability of russia's actions, namely:

  • aggression against Ukraine, which is a gross violation of international law,
  • methods of warfare used by the russian federation,
  • treatment of the civilian population,
  • creating a threat at the occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP.

They call on the Euro-Atlantic community and partners to immediately strengthen and apply comprehensive sanctions against the russian federation to:

  • stop the ability of the russian army to continue aggression;
  • increase military, financial, humanitarian, and diplomatic support to Ukraine,
  • support initiatives to prosecute those guilty of war crimes,
  • to isolate russia in international and regional organizations,
  • take relevant decisions regarding Belarus as a state that supports the armed aggression of the russian federation.

They also call on EU member states and other Western allies to immediately suspend tourist visas and limit the issuance of tourist visas for citizens of the russian federation.

As you know, the ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union will discuss visa restrictions for russians at the meeting on August 31 against the background of the war in Ukraine.

Read more about why these species spread in Ukraine and why there will be more of them due to russia's war.

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