The second wave of a charity project for newborns is starting in Ukraine: the fund will distribute another 10,000 kits of children’s goods

On August 16, the BGV Charitable Foundation and its partners announced the start of the second wave of a charity project for families with newborn children. In cooperation with German donors — dm-drogerie markt and #WeAreAllUkrainians — the fund collected another 10,000 kits with the most necessary goods for babies and mothers. Nova Poshta will deliver this aid throughout the country for free.

Each kit contains specialized children's products, including children's clothes (bodysuits, onesies, socks), a sleeping blanket for newborns, diapers, bottles, pacifiers, changing mats, diapers, skin care cream, hygiene products (bath gels, pads, wet wipes) and other goods. Ukrainian offices of international donors also joined the project's second wave and supplemented the kits with their products — companies such as HIPP and Chicco.

A family of a newborn child from any region and settlement in Ukraine1 can receive such a kit. The child's age at the time of applying should not be older than two months since the goods in the charity kits are designed specifically for children aged 0-2 months and their mothers.

To receive a kit, you need to fill out a short online application on the BGV charity foundation's official website, specifying information about the mother and child, parents' contact information for collection, data for sending the kits by Nova Poshta, and also adding to the application a photo or scan of the necessary documents — child's birth certificate, passport or ID card of one of the parents.

The application will be processed within a few weeks. If all the information is entered correctly, the fund team will automatically confirm the application, and Nova Poshta will deliver the kit to the family free of charge. If the application is filled out incorrectly or incompletely, the fund's representative will contact you using the specified contacts to clarify the information.

As part of the project's first wave, the BGV Charitable Fund and its partners collected and delivered to Ukraine the first 10,000 kits for babies with the most necessary goods for a total of more than one million euros. All these kits were delivered by Nova Poshta free of charge to 10,000 families with newborn children in 22 regions of Ukraine — in 1,388 settlements (cities, towns, and villages).

More information about the charity project is available on the official website of the BGV Charity Fund:


The BGV Charity Fund was founded by Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist Hennadii Butkevych to organize aid to Ukraine during the war and to rebuild the country after the victory. The fund is engaged in search, purchase, legal support, and organization of the humanitarian aid delivery to Ukraine for those who need it — children, vulnerable population groups, the military, medical institutions, and volunteer organizations. The fund works for Ukraine's protection, restoration, and development. Partners of BGV Charity Fund are responsible businesses from Ukraine and all over Europe: the charity cooperates with companies in Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland, and Romania, including market leaders such as Rossmann, Lidl, and Billa.

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