Newly born triplets first to receive aid within BGV Charity Fund project’s second wave

We explain how parents can get kits for newborns from a charity foundation.

Recently, Rubryka reported the birth of triplets in a military family in Kyiv. Parents—Tetiana and Yurii Kopets, and their children, Mark, Svyatoslav, and Zakhar—were congratulated by the commander of Ukraine's Joint Forces, Serhiu Naiev, colleagues, relatives, and friends. After our news, the BGV Charity Fund also found the family to ask what new parents and their boys need and what it's like to be the parents of triplets in wartime. It turned out that the main challenges for new parents remain the same as in peacetime:

"Probably the most difficult thing is to get into a rhythm and sleep at best for a couple of hours a day. For small children, the regime is to feed them every 3 hours. It takes about 1.5 hours to feed triplets. And so you have 1.5 hours left to eat, sleep, take a shower, and do housework. It is this way if they sleep quietly and peacefully, which doesn't always happen. But when you look at them, hug them, kiss them, you don't know where the strength comes from. Half an hour is enough to recover," said young mother Tetiana Kopets.

When asked how she manages to sleep so little, she adds: "We learned to sleep standing up."

Although now many mothers choose to leave Ukraine temporarily, Tetiana has no plans to leave the Motherland:

"I never thought of leaving Ukraine. I'm a soldier and had no right to do this. Second, I wanted the children to be born in Ukraine. Going abroad alone, where you don't know anyone and no one knows you, is scary. Moreover, when you are pregnant with triplets, you always have a risk of miscarriage or premature birth."

BGV Charity Fund decided to help the Kopets family because, as part of their work, they have already talked a lot with mothers of newborns and know very well what challenges parents of babies face, especially three at once. "We know it is costly to buy children's goods in Ukraine now. In addition, there is a problem with the supply of certain categories of goods. Therefore, when we saw the news that as many as three boys were born in the family of a military man, we realized that our Fund cannot ignore this story and must provide assistance to the family within our project for newborns and their mothers. The family of Tetiana and Yurii are our first participants in the second wave of the project, during which we distribute 10,000 sets of essential goods for newborn babies for free. We will announce its launch tomorrow," the Fund's representatives say.

The Fund delivered the aid to Tetiana personally. Together with German partners—dm-drogerie markt and We Are All Ukrainians—the benefactors provided three babies with food for six months. Even though Tetiana Kopets told the Fund she mainly needed baby food, the Fund still donated diapers and Fund's standard kits for newborns: clothes, bottles, hygiene and care products for the mother, blankets, pacifiers, etc. You can view the complete list of the kit on the BGV Charity Fund website.

Representatives of the BGV Charity Fund say that getting to know Tetiana and her three sons touched the organization's volunteers; it is impossible not to fall in love with this family.

"This is why we are working for the future of Ukraine," the Fund adds.

How can parents of babies get help from the BGV Charity Fund?

The second wave of the BGV Charity Fund's project will start on August 16: another 10,000 families will receive kits for mothers and children. As part of the project's first wave, the Fund has already distributed 10,000 kits for babies with essential goods for more than one million euros throughout Ukraine.

The set can be received by the mother or father of a newborn child from any region and settlement in Ukraine (*except temporarily occupied territories). The child's age at the time of applying for the set must be from 0 to 2 months since the products in the set are designed specifically for children of this age category. The Fund sends aid in the amount of one set for one newborn. So, for example, if you're a family with twins, you can apply for two sets.

Instructions on how to apply and receive a set:

Read more news about the BGV Charity Fund in the special partner project

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