Ukrainians were assured of this by the Commander of the Joint Forces, Lieutenant General Serhii Naiev, quoted by Rubryka citing the Command of the United Forces.
"We analyzed the previous actions of the enemy in the Kyiv direction and, having studied this experience, predicted our adequate measures.
Defensive positions are located precisely where the enemy forces are most likely to attack.
Analyzing possible enemy actions, we created a complex system of fire damage, which provides for defeating the enemy on distant approaches and in the closest depth of their battle formations.
In turn, the population, having felt the burden of enemy occupation, fully supports the Armed Forces, other military formations, and law enforcement agencies.
I am sure that the enemy will not pass in this direction again. We are doing everything to ensure this confidence is real," Naiev stressed.
As Rubryka reported, Naiev recently visited a section of the Ukrainian border.
He personally verified the reliability of protection both on land and on the river, where boats with modern equipment patrol designated areas.
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