
Latvia is strengthening border control with russia

Latvian border guards have increased checks at the border with the russian federation and are asking russian immigrants to sign a document condemning the war in Ukraine.

It is reported by LSM.

It is noted that russians who immigrated to Latvia expressed their anger at border checks on social networks. The State Security Service of Latvia confirmed that citizens of russia and Belarus are subject to increased checks at border control points.

"The purpose of the inspections is to identify persons who support russia's military aggression against Ukraine and may threaten Latvia's national security. During the inspections, special attention is paid to foreigners who, for example, once served in the security forces," the service said in its response.

Already 62 foreigners have been refused entry to Latvia, among them 41 russians, 14 Belarusians, and 7 citizens of other countries. Also, visas for trips to the Schengen zone are canceled for such persons.

russia has already expressed dissatisfaction and sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. However, the head of the department, Edgars Rinkēvičs, noted that the border guards operate within the limits of the legislation.

"We will continue to act in the interests of our security. At the same time, I would like to add that we are also aware of cases where Latvian citizens going to russia or Belarus are being influenced and are trying to be recruited," the minister said.

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