According to the 2018 "Health and Behavioral Orientations of School Youth of Ukraine" study, 23% of Ukrainian adolescents did not use contraception on their first having sexual contact, with youth beginning their sexual life at the age of 14.4 years for boys and at 15.1 years for girls.
In countries where sexuality education is given significant attention, these indicators are lower: for example, in Denmark, where sexuality education starts from kindergarten, only 8% of 15-year-olds have had sexual contact without contraception. As well as in Estonia, unique societal changes occurred after the 1990th mandatory school-based sexuality education was introduced into the school curriculum. Considerable improvements took place in the teenage pregnancy rate, contraception, and condoms, registered STI cases, and sexuality-related knowledge.
With support from Estonia, UNFPA is complementing sexuality education given at schools with an awareness and informative digital campaign. The campaign will address essential topics that intersect with, but not limited to, sexuality. These topics include:adolescents' complexes, body, hygiene, relationships, media literacy, safety, gender equality, rights, and internal experiences among other subjects.
"This campaign is of significant importance at this time, especially as many young people are forced to flee their homes and are at greater risk of losing their bodily autonomy. "Puberty" will serve as a guide who will accompany them through the various changes, both physical or emotional," said Jaime Nadal, UNFPA Representative in Ukraine.
Puberty is both the name of the series and the name of the main character appearing in each clip. Awkward, shy and witty, Pubertyhas no gender or sex and constantly changes its form.
"This character reflects the inner world of a teenager. It gets angry, sad, lost, and confused, but also happy, and excited. At times, it feels invisible and alone and at others strong and empowered. Puberty will go on the emotional rollercoaster that every young person goes through in their life. Throughout the campaign, we will reflect on all the stages and emotional fluctuations" – says Oksana Gonchar, creative group head of agency [isdgroup], together with which the project was developed.
Puberty on Instagram:
The idea, design and development of the campaign belong to ISD Group, a digital creative agency that has been working on creating world-class projects at the intersection of technology, social impact and art for 16 years.
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